Batman Hentia

Batman Porn Story: Man or Monster Chapter 1

Batman Porn Story: Man or Monster Chapter 1

Man or Monster?

Disclaimer: I do not own The Batman or anything related to the character. If I did, I would be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very rich.

What am I?

A man or a monster?

I look like a monster,

Talk like a monster,

Act like a monster,

But do I think like one?

Even I dont know.

I can be anyone or anything,

But I still cant replace the life I lost.

Inside this shell is an empty soul

Crying out for freedom.

I can never live again

Can never be the person I once was

And for that, I cry.

I am neither man,

Nor am I a monster,

What are you?

Wow. That sucked. But I was inspired by todays new episode, and wanted to do this so please read and review, but no negative remarks, okay?

I cant stand those things

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